August MyBlood winner

We are very happy to announce that the August winner of the MyBlood prize draw is Patrick Harding from South Africa.

Patrick is happy with the ease of use of MyBlood… “It provides me with a complete facility to maintain, enlarge, to distribute, and to create a website. All of this in an easy and simple to follow format.”

Congratulations to Patrick and if you want to be the next winner, go to our site and fill in the form.

Kind regards,
the MyBlood team

July winner of the MyBlood prize draw

We are very happy to announce that the July winner of MyBlood competition is Drew Andrew from Australia.

Drew tells us “I have been looking for ages for a Genealogy program that works on both Mac and PC … MyBlood is very easy to use on both my Macbook and PC desktop and I am storing and saving all files in Dropbox so both Mac and PC are both kept updated”

Congratulations to Drew and if you want to be the next winner, go to our site and fill in the form.

Kind regards,
the MyBlood team

First winner!

We asked you on this blog and on our website to tell us what you liked and disliked about MyBlood.  And we promised that you could win a full production license in return. That’s why we are very happy to announce that the first winner of this content contest is US based James E Winfrey.

James especially liked: The ancestor and descendant views are extremely good tools.  It is great to look at a large family and be able to see where all the folks fit both in family links and in time.  The overall approach to the family view is well thought out and navigation is almost automatic”.

And because we are honest people, here is what James disliked about MyBlood: “My preference would be to show only vital event info on the family view for each person.  Some of my family have many events and it really looks crowded.  It is hard to see what the value is on presenting all this information on this view.”

Congratulations to James and if you want to be the next winner, go to our site and fill in the form.

Kind regards,
